Guy Russo, Lauren Fulbright and Tim Martin

The Enfield Liberal Democrats are fighting for a Fair Deal for our area at this General Election.

At the General Election on July 4th, residents in Enfield have three outstanding candidates to represent them as the hardworking local voices in Parliament we need.

Tim Martin (Edmonton & Winchmore Hill), Lauren Fulbright (Southgate & Wood Green) and Guy Russo (Enfield North) are the Liberal Democrat candidates in Enfield at this General Election on July 4th.

All three candidates are hardworking local champions for their area - and all three share the same vision: to fight for a fair deal for Enfield that restores trust and hope for you.

They are standing on a Liberal Democrat manifesto that will prioritise fixing our public services, repairing our broken relationship with Europe and fundamentally rebuilding our creaking politics.

The Conservative Party have done so much damage to our country - and they won't win any of the seats in Enfield. But Labour don't deserve another term in office around here. Their MPs, and their Council, have let Enfield down time and time again. They are taking us for granted - ignoring local pleas to protect our green spaces, implement a bold plan for our local economy and bring people together for a more collaborative, community-first politics.

For real change in Enfield, vote for your Tim, Lauren or Guy on July 4th. Together, we can win a fair deal for Enfield.

For a fair

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